223 unique traits have been classified into 7 broad trait categories, modified from Mace and Jordan (2011):
- Age-related leaf sensecence
- Leaf composition
- Leaf morphology
- Leaf yield
- Photosynthesis
- Stomata
- Sugar-related traits
- Germination
- Glume morphology
- Grain & Panicle Yield
- Grain Composition
- Panicle Architecture
- Pollen Fertility
Resistance abiotic
- Cold tolerance
- Drought tolerance
- Heat tolerance
- Phosphorus tolerance
- Salt tolerance
Resistance biotic
- Anthracnose resistance
- Aphid resistance
- Bacterial leaf stripe
- Drechstera leaf blight resistance
- Ergot resistance
- Grain mold resistance
- Green bug resistance
- Head bug resistance
- Leaf scorch
- Midge resistance
- Milo disease resistance
- Rice weevil resistance
- Rust resistance
- Shoot fly resistance
- Southern root-knot nematode resistance
- Stalk rot resistance
- Striga resistance
- Target leaf spot resistance
- Zonate leaf spot resistance
Stem composition
- Stem biomass yield
- Stem composition
- Sugar-related traits
Stem morphology
- Height
- Lodging tolerance
- Plant colour
- Regrowth
- Rhizomatousness
- Roots
- Stem morphology
- Tillering
Search terms can be entered at the level of trait category, trait subcategory or trait description.
For example, to search for QTL associated with grain weight users can either enter the search term “Grain weight” in Trait Description, or select the trait category “Panicle” or Trait subcategory “Grain & Panicle Yield”, and search in the Trait Description options to select grain weight related traits.
Select from the drop down menu to select one or more target chromosomes
Users can specify a target set of coordinates, e.g.
Physical location IS WITHIN 500000bp of 6,000,000 or
Physical location IS BETWEEN 5,500,000 AND 6,500,000
This can be done based on the physical coordinates of the most recent version of the sorghum genome assembly (v.3), or using the cM coordinates of the sorghum consensus map (Mace et al 2009).