OZ Sorghum is an alliance of Australian sorghum researchers
They are focused on improving the productivity and profitability of the Australian sorghum industry and end users via the best combination of genetics and agronomy.
We are globally recognized as leaders in sorghum research for our capacity to carry out integrated multi-disciplinary research with industry impact. Our discipline strengths include breeding, genetics, genomics, crop physiology, entomology, cereal chemistry and remote sensing. Our research links upstream science to industry problems and opportunities.
The majority of OZ Sorghum researchers work for the University of Queensland through the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI) or the School of Agriculture & Food Science or for the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF).
Integrated Pre-Breeding

What we do:
The complexity of gene function determination remains one of the major challenges facing plant biologists today, despite the development and application of new technologies, including high throughput genotyping and next-generation sequencing.
The sorghum breeding program based at Hermitage research station was started in 1957 by Queensland Government and since that time it has been a critical part of the Australian sorghum industry.